Seoul, situated in a temperate zone, has four distinct seasons. Sunny days and clear skies are expected, and light clothing is recommended. The average temperature range in September is between 16 degrees to 21 degrees Celsius. In the evenings, a light jacket would be advisable. A hat and comfortable shoes are recommended for some tours.
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Korean Standard Time : UTX/GMT +9 hours.
Current Time in Korea /
The South Korean unit of currency is the won (₩), with ₩10/50/100/500 coins. Notes come in denominations of ₩1,000/5,000/10,000/50,000. The exchange rate is subject to market fluctuations.
※ As of February 2013 → 1 USD = 1,091 KRW
Int'l SOS Korea provides 24-hour emergency service for participants, for a fee, acting as a link between the patient and the Korean hospitals.